
Deadpool 2 | Movie Review

Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for this review. Throw a dime my way. Not really, I don’t live in America anymore. Deadpool 2 is copyright 20th Century Fox. Images used for reference and commentary.

The sequel to a successful movie that no one thought would ever actually exist, Deadpool 2 delivers the same signature humour that carried the first one. Like the first one, it relies heavily on Deadpool’s flavour and flare – but now there is an antagonist that is worth his time. Sorry, Francis, ya’ basic!

Cable (real name Nathan, no wonder he goes by Cable) is a bad-ass cyborg mutant from the future, intent on killing a mutant kid for whatever reason. You’ll have to watch the movie yourself to find out why. Russell, the said child-person, is played by Julian Dennison of Hunt for the Wilderpeople notoriety. Let’s take a moment to thank Marvel for including a New Zealand mutant that wasn’t Kiwi Black. Whoever created and named that guy needs a kick right up Main Street.

I was not impressed by how they handled Vanessa’s character. I did not expect her to be out there kicking ass with the rest of them, but she was squeezed squarely in the love interest trope box and it was gross, boring and predictable.

Deadpool 2’s other main fail was that, for a movie dealing with time-travel, it messed up its time-line. There is a cameo by characters from the 80s in a movie that is clearly set – judging by technology and pop culture references – now. Someone thought they were being clever but was in fact being super stupid.

Highlights of the film were, of course, Deadpool – but also Cable and Domino. They were good counters to Deadpool’s extravagance, but in distinctive and different ways. I am looking forward to seeing more of them in the X-Force movie. When does that come out? Now? Now please.

Is Deadpool 2 just a jerk-fest for fans of the Merc with a Mouth? Yes – but that doesn’t mean it isn’t an enjoyable one.

3.5 out of 5 stars


Solo: A Star Wars Story | Movie Review

Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for this review. Smuggle some goods my way! Solo is copyright of Disney and Lucasfilm LTD. Images used are for reference and commentary.

So, they tell me there is going to be a “Young Han Solo Movie.” Excuse you? They already made a movie with a young Han Solo. It was called Star Wars. Was Harrison Ford already old in that movie? I Googled it – he was 35. Damn, he was looking good.

I thought Solo was just going to be some little boy waddling around pretending to be Harrison Ford – and it was, but he did a pretty good job of it. Alden Ehrenreich – who is going to have to become a little more famous before I remember his name – may not look or sound exactly like Ford, but he did his homework and has his Hanerisms down. It’s all about attitude! This Han is a bit green but you can see him shaping into who he will become.

In this movie, we learn some of Han’s backstory. How he became a smuggler, how he met Chewie and Lando, and even how he got his name. Can’t have Han without the Solo! Not just anyone can pull off a single name. Yes, this comment is directed at another certain someone in the movie. Look, you may be fierce, but you’re no Space Beyoncé!

New characters that are introduced are not fleshed out enough or appear too fleetingly. That is not to say I did not enjoy them. Qi’ra, Han’s love-interest – who is not pigeon-holed into that role – was refreshing and semi-unpredictable. Dryden Vos was just Paul Bettany after a scratch-up and Tobias Beckett was, well, Woody Harrelson.

The only new addition to the movie that stole my little hedgepiggy heart was L3-37 – Lando’s droid co-pilot – a rebel to the core. She is bad-ass and full of sass! Every Star Wars movie needs a droid and L3 put even Rogue One’s K-2SO to shame. L3 is all about droid rights and talking back. She speaks her mind and doesn’t take crap from anyone.

The real stars are Han, Chewie and Lando – and that’s why we buy the tickets! I was a little confused about Lando and L3’s relationship. Was there romance, sexy-times? Lando is pansexual – and it is touched upon with L3’s remarks about love and flirting towards her and Han – but could have used more visibility on-screen. I could use a lot more of Donald Glover as Lando. Give me another prequel about Lando and L3!

Solo: A Star Wars Story is full of nods to past movies that fan’s will appreciate and enjoy. It is not a movie to watch if you are not familiar with Han Solo and the original Star Wars trilogy.

3.5 out of 5 stars